Enrico Brugnolotto

Enrico Brugnolotto

PhD Student

University of Glasgow and IBM Zurich

Enrico was an PhD student in the H2020 MSCA EU project called DESING-EID. His work mainly focused on aspects related to III-V materials epitaxial growth on silicon, TEM analysis and development of a machine learning algorithm for defect classification. He also worked on the development of a simulation framework to model the electronic and optical properties of individual defects.

Dr. Brugnolotto’s PhD Thesis can be found here

  • Material growth
  • TEM and STEM analysis
  • Machine learning applications
  • MS in Materials Science, 2019

    Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy)

  • BSc in Materials Science, 2017

    Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy)