Vihar Georgiev

Vihar Georgiev

Professor of Nanoelectronics

University of Glasgow

Vihar is a Professor of Nanoelectronics and the Leader of the DeepNano Group at the University of Glasgow. Vihar is also a Visiting Professor at TU Vienna. He has more than 10 years of experience in developing numerical solvers and machine learning methods that are used for modelling and simulations of various semiconductor devices, such as nanowire transistors, tunnelling FETs, biosensors, current transport in inorganic molecules, Josephson’s junctions, physical unclonable functions and molecular flash memories.

Vihar has participated in 12 European and UK projects in total. From 2018 until 2022 he held an EPSRC Industrial Fellowship called Quantum Simulator for Entangled Electronics (EP/S001131/1) and currently he is a co-PI of three more EPSRC projects (EP/T023244/1, EP/V032627/1 and EP/V048341/1). Moreover, he is a PI of two EU H2020 projects. The first one is a H2020-FetOPEN-2019 project called ElectroMed and the second one is a MSCA-ITN-2019 project called DESIGN-EID where he is also a project coordinator. Since his appointment as a Lecturer in 2015, he has secured funding of around £1.3M as a PI and around £3.0M as a co-PI.

For more information please see his University of Glasgow profile.

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Quantum chemistry
  • Molecular electronics
  • Material modeling
  • Device modeling and simulations
  • Nano-bio-sensor
  • PhD (DPhil) in Computational Chemistry, 2012

    University of Oxford

  • MSc in Computational Chemistry, 2006

    Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski'

  • BSc in Chemistry, 2004

    Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski'