DeepNano Group is based at the University of Glasgow and it is led by Prof. Vihar Georgiev. DeepNano Group is part of the Glasgow Computational Engineering Centre (GCEC).

The focus of the DeepNano Group is on developing new simulation methods and tools in the areas of modelling and simulation of electronic devices by combining not only analytical and numerical approaches but also machine learning and artificial intelligence methods. Some examples of the DeepNano Group work include developing the quantum based TCAD simulator called NESS, which includes different sources of statistical variability and defects. The group has also developed unique in-house analytical and numerical codes, pioneering the simulation of biosensors, current transport in inorganic molecules, Josephson’s Junctions, physical unclonable functions and molecular flash memories.

Our projects are in collaboration with leading experimental and simulation groups from all over the world, such as IBM, STMicroelectronics, IMEC, Synopsys and Synopsys QuantumATK. DeepNano Group collaborates with academic groups not only in the UK but also from USA, China, South Korea, India, Japan, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Germany and Bulgaria. We are supporting open science practices and we are happy to collaborate with everyone interested in our work.