Biosensors modeling and simulations: a new way to discover drugs

We are building a unique simulation framework that combines machine learning methods and device simulation techniques.

Our biosensor methodology is based on the combination of machine learning methods and ‘classical’ device simulations. We have developed a unique simulation framework that combines the Site-binding and Gouy-Chapman-Stern (GCS) analytical models, calibrated to the experimental data, with a machine learning (ML) approach. The ML model, which we call the BioTokens model, is based on a transformative network. As an input, the BioTokens model uses a combination of surface potential and capacitance obtained from GCS and a sequence of ’tokens’.

The output of the simulation tool is a sequence of amino acids or small oligopeptides, which can be compared with the surface potential and capacitance obtained from experiments or analytical simulations. The main strength of our approach is that we can predict the surface potential and capacitance of proteins and amino acids.

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